Rent Value
Amelia M Metkler celebrated 83th birthday on September, 00. Amelia M Metkler has alternative name Est Amelia Metkler. 162 Devon Rd, Delaware, Ohio 43015 resided in Delaware County is the last known address for Amelia. Joseph D Metkler, Milly Metkler, Jeffrey A Williams, Mary E Williams and one more dwellers or residents are related to this location. Amelia M Metkler has lived in the Delaware, OH.
Alter Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Joseph | Joseph Metkler | 3 |
Nancy | Nancy Metkler | 2 |
Gary | Gary Metkler | 1 |
Lindsay | Lindsay Metkler | 1 |
Marion | Marion Metkler | 1 |
Milly | Milly Metkler | 1 |
Amelia | Amelia Metkler | 1 |
Christine | Christine Metkler | 1 |
Alter Last Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Bustamante | Amelia Bustamante | 13 |
Age groups distribution in the Amelia's neighborhood based on thousands households located nearby.
Information updated on May 22, 2024