Rent Value
Joyce celebrated 68th birthday on . The current address for Joyce is 19611 Sunshine Way, Bend, Oregon 97702. Address is in Deschutes County. Cliff C Joyce, Karen F Joyce, Riley S Joyce and Arnold J Familian are related to this place. Joyce Karen B Familian has lived in the Bend, OR.
Alter Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Seth | Seth Familian | 5 |
Karen | Karen Familian | 4 |
David | David Familian | 3 |
Edith | Edith Familian | 1 |
Elisabeth | Elisabeth Familian | 1 |
Elisabe | Elisabe Familian | 1 |
Gary | Gary Familian | 1 |
Joyce | Joyce Familian | 1 |
L | L Familian | 1 |
Lori | Lori Familian | 1 |
Alter Last Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Nicks | Joyce Nicks | 4 |
Age groups distribution in the Joyce's neighborhood based on thousands households located nearby.
Information updated on Jun 04, 2024