Rent Value
Ladondra celebrated 47th birthday on . The last known place for Ladondra Bowman is 12800 Woodforest Blvd, Brentwood, New York 11717 in Suffolk County. Ladondra Bowman has lived in the city of Brentwood, NY.
Alter Name | Full Name | Persons count |
David | David Bowman | 1,222 |
Cynthia | Cynthia Bowman | 246 |
D | D Bowman | 55 |
A | A Bowman | 49 |
Cyrus | Cyrus Bowman | 7 |
Cyril | Cyril Bowman | 4 |
Cyrena | Cyrena Bowman | 1 |
Cyrill | Cyrill Bowman | 1 |
Cythia | Cythia Bowman | 1 |
Cytnhia | Cytnhia Bowman | 1 |
Age groups distribution in the Ladondra's neighborhood based on thousands households located nearby.
Information updated on Apr 18, 2024