Rent Value
Rajith Desoyza celebrated 54th birthday on Oct, 00. You may know Rajith Desoyza's by the four names - Rajith Soyza, Rajith Galeana, Rajith S De and Desoyza Rs. Rajith Desoyza's last known location is 9231 N 18Th Dr, Phoenix, Arizona 85021 belongs to Maricopa County. Paul Germinaro, Sarah Germinaro and Maria Vargas are connected to this location. Rajith Desoyza has lived in the city of Phoenix, AZ.
Alter Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Irene | Irene Desoyza | 3 |
Heather | Heather Desoyza | 2 |
Kumudini | Kumudini Desoyza | 2 |
Dallas | Dallas Desoyza | 1 |
Devinda | Devinda Desoyza | 1 |
Erangi | Erangi Desoyza | 1 |
Gamini | Gamini Desoyza | 1 |
Hemali | Hemali Desoyza | 1 |
Lalin | Lalin Desoyza | 1 |
Leslie | Leslie Desoyza | 1 |
Age groups distribution in the Rajith's neighborhood based on thousands households located nearby.
Information updated on Apr 26, 2024