Rent Value
808 W Helena St, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74012 in Wagoner County is the current address of residence for Samantha Suzanne Cortassa. Samantha has lived in the Broken Arrow, OK.
Alter Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Frank | Frank Cortassa | 3 |
Franck | Franck Cortassa | 2 |
Gail | Gail Cortassa | 1 |
Heidi | Heidi Cortassa | 1 |
James | James Cortassa | 1 |
Jason | Jason Cortassa | 1 |
Kathryn | Kathryn Cortassa | 1 |
L | L Cortassa | 1 |
Paul | Paul Cortassa | 1 |
Samantha | Samantha Cortassa | 1 |
Alter Last Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Edwards | Samantha Edwards | 236 |
Age groups distribution in the Samantha's neighborhood based on thousands households located nearby.
Information updated on May 31, 2024