Rent Value
1965, in the January is the birth date of Frenchie Hagstrom's, Frenchie's age is 59. Frenchie Hagstrom alternatively known as - Frenchie Lenett Hagstrom and Frenchie Lenette Hagstrom. The last known place for Frenchie Hagstrom is 534 Westoak, Universal City, Texas 78148. Address is resided in Bexar County. We suppose Carl R Hagstrom were among one residents ever lived at this location. Frenchie has lived in the city of Universal City, TX.
Alter Name | Full Name | Persons count |
David | David Hagstrom | 46 |
Cynthia | Cynthia Hagstrom | 7 |
Dean | Dean Hagstrom | 4 |
A | A Hagstrom | 3 |
Dawn | Dawn Hagstrom | 2 |
Dale | Dale Hagstrom | 2 |
D | D Hagstrom | 1 |
Deanna | Deanna Hagstrom | 1 |
Deanne | Deanne Hagstrom | 1 |
Debbie | Debbie Hagstrom | 1 |
Age groups distribution in the Frenchie's neighborhood based on thousands households located nearby.
Information updated on May 19, 2024