Rent Value
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar. Education: High school graduate.
Jun 30, 1966, Thu is the birth date of Jimmy's, Jimmy is 58. 12509 Valleywood Dr, Silver Spring, Maryland 20906 is the last known address of residence for Jimmy O Cruz. Address is located in Montgomery County. We think that Viria Angulo, Maria T Cruz, Sophia Dulanto, Melenia Salazar and one more dwellers or residents were among 5 residents ever lived at this place. Jimmy has lived in the city of Silver Spring, MD. Jimmy can be reached by phone at (301) 933-1662 (Verizon Maryland). We think that Rich Geiger, Daisy Hernandez and Maria T Cruz are using Jimmy's numbers.
Alter Name | Full Name | Persons count |
David | David Cruz | 1,275 |
Cynthia | Cynthia Cruz | 439 |
A | A Cruz | 156 |
Cyrus | Cyrus Cruz | 5 |
Cyril | Cyril Cruz | 4 |
Cynthiak | Cynthiak Cruz | 1 |
Cypriano | Cypriano Cruz | 1 |
Cyrena | Cyrena Cruz | 1 |
Cyrene | Cyrene Cruz | 1 |
Cythina | Cythina Cruz | 1 |
Alter Last Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Bratcher | Jimmy Bratcher | 23 |
Age groups distribution in the Jimmy's neighborhood based on thousands households located nearby.
Information updated on Jun 23, 2024