Rent Value
Pauline Leasure celebrated 42th birthday on . The current place for Pauline E Leasure is 9680 Jerome Dr, New Port Richey, Florida 34654. Address belongs to Pasco County. Christopher John Leasure and Karen Catlin are related to this location. Pauline E Leasure has lived in the New Port Richey, FL.
Alter Name | Full Name | Persons count |
David | David Leasure | 65 |
Dawn | Dawn Leasure | 9 |
Cynthia | Cynthia Leasure | 8 |
D | D Leasure | 7 |
Dean | Dean Leasure | 4 |
Dakota | Dakota Leasure | 3 |
A | A Leasure | 2 |
Dawne | Dawne Leasure | 1 |
Deanna | Deanna Leasure | 1 |
Dahlia | Dahlia Leasure | 1 |
Alter Last Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Obanion | Pauline Obanion | 1 |
Age groups distribution in the Pauline's neighborhood based on thousands households located nearby.
Information updated on May 17, 2024