Rent Value
Susan was born on 1941/04/08, she is 83. Susan's last known place is 3368 Durst Clagg Rd, Cortland, Ohio 44410. Address is resided in Trumbull County. This location is also associated with the names of Dianna Holinbaugh, John Holinbaugh, Rachael S Mong, Dianna S Patrick and one not listed here dwellers or residents. Susan Holinbaugh has lived in the city of Cortland, OH. Susan can be reached by phone at (330) 469-2225 (Verizon Wireless (vaw)). We think that John Holinbaugh and Dianna Holinbaugh share Susan Holinbaugh's phone numbers.
Alter Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Gary | Gary Holinbaugh | 2 |
John | John Holinbaugh | 2 |
Dianna | Dianna Holinbaugh | 1 |
Evelyn | Evelyn Holinbaugh | 1 |
Felicia | Felicia Holinbaugh | 1 |
James | James Holinbaugh | 1 |
Jean | Jean Holinbaugh | 1 |
Kim | Kim Holinbaugh | 1 |
M | M Holinbaugh | 1 |
Ralph | Ralph Holinbaugh | 1 |
Alter Last Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Moates | Susan Moates | 8 |
Age groups distribution in the Susan's neighborhood based on thousands households located nearby.
Information updated on Jun 11, 2024