Rent Value
Walter Alberto Nieto celebrated 56th day of birth on . The current place for Walter Nieto is 4850 SW 128Th Ave, Southwest Ranches, Florida 33330 belongs to Broward County. Nathalie W Azcano, Carl Steven Eguez, Elsye P Eguez and Carlos A Eguez are related to this location. Walter Alberto Nieto has lived in the Southwest Ranches, FL. (305) 968-5473 could be used to contact Walter Alberto Nieto.
Alter Name | Full Name | Persons count |
David | David Nieto | 135 |
Cynthia | Cynthia Nieto | 57 |
A | A Nieto | 35 |
D | D Nieto | 17 |
Dawn | Dawn Nieto | 15 |
Dawnna | Dawnna Nieto | 3 |
Daysi | Daysi Nieto | 3 |
Dayna | Dayna Nieto | 2 |
Dayana | Dayana Nieto | 1 |
Dayle | Dayle Nieto | 1 |
Alter Last Name | Full Name | Persons count |
Nissley | Walter Nissley | 5 |
Age groups distribution in the Walter's neighborhood based on thousands households located nearby.
Information updated on May 03, 2024