643 Raymer Blvd, Toledo, OH 43605

Time in Toledo, OH
08:42:34 PM
Time in Toledo, OH

Current time offset is UTC-5. Timezone abbreviation is EST. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is not active.

This property is a Multiple Occupancy house. Construction was completed in 1887. The home is 137 years old. #0701691 is the parcel number. House has 2 storeys. The residence has eight rooms, four bedrooms and two bathrooms. 1,670 sqft is the size of the living area. The land lot size is 3,600 sqft. The lot's dimensions are: Depth: 122 ft, Width: 30 ft. $22,000 were paid for this building on 1988/03/17. The square foot of this property costs $13.2. The house has a crawl/raised foundation. Parking options are: Attached Garage, Detached Garage, 2 spaces, 520 sqft garage. The heating type was specified as Forced air.


Property Information

Property Type

Multiple Occupancy

Build Year


Parcel #


Price Sold


Sold Date

Mar 17, 1988

Price per sqft




# of Bedrooms


# of Full Bath


# of Floors


Total Living Area

1,670 sqft

Lot Dimension

Depth: 122 ft, Width: 30 ft

Land Sq. Footage

3,600 sqft




Attached Garage, Detached Garage, 2 spaces, 520 sqft garage

Heating Type

Forced air

Past Residents

Janice K Daman
Angela M Adams
Frank George Ohannesian
Frank George Ohannesian
Kirsten M Kennedy
Tammy S Frampton
Charles Glen Rybak
Ginger J Smith
Ashley Mishell Reil
Brenda L Mccallister

Neighborhood Sales

Neighborhood Floor Size Analysis

Age Distribution

Age groups distribution in the neighborhood based on information from the thousands households located nearby.


Information updated on Mar 01, 2024