6200 Tanglewood Ct, Springfield, VA 22152

Time in Springfield, VA
04:25:55 AM
Time in Springfield, VA

Current time offset is UTC-5. Timezone abbreviation is EST. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is not active.

This property is a Single Family house. House was built in 1960. The property is 64 years old. Parcel number #0794020106 is assigned to this property. This is a 1 storey house. According to the plan, there are four bedrooms, two bathrooms. 1,094 sqft is the size of the living area. The building sits on a plot of 0.45 acres. The lot's dimensions are: 0.45 acres. February 18, 2009, Wed this residence was sold for $304,000. The price per sqft for this building is $277.9. Materials that were used to construct this home: Wood. The list of flooring materials includes Hardwood. The roof is made of Composition. The heating type was specified as Forced air.


Property Information

Property Type

Single Family

Build Year


Parcel #


Price Sold


Sold Date

Feb 18, 2009

Price per sqft


# of Bedrooms


# of Full Bath


# of Floors


Total Living Area

1,094 sqft

Land Sq. Footage

0.45 acres



Construction Materials




Heating Type

Forced air

Lot Dimension

0.45 acres

Past Residents

Harry C Spalding
Philip R Spalding
Carminia Greer
Stephanie G Allen
Fernando Vaca
Phillip H Farrow
Trina D Stovall
Jason S Liddell
Diana Lo O'hara
Sherra Nita Theisen
  • Age 66
  • (972) 978-1499
  • Lived here 35 years ago ( in 1989 )
  • 4689 Mustang Pkwy #2214, Carrollton, TX 75010

Neighborhood Sales

Neighborhood Floor Size Analysis

Age Distribution

Age groups distribution in the neighborhood based on information from the thousands households located nearby.


Information updated on Mar 01, 2024