223 code area is located in Eastern timezone. This timezone also known as America/New_York. Current time in 223 is 6:48pm.
Area code 223 is in service since Aug 22, 1970. Code was created from area code 717.
County | Population | % of 223 | % of County |
Lancaster County | 519,445 | 15 | 97 |
York County | 434,972 | 14 | 100 |
Dauphin County | 268,100 | 9 | 99 |
Cumberland County | 235,406 | 9 | 100 |
Franklin County | 149,618 | 12 | 100 |
Lebanon County | 133,568 | 6 | 99 |
Adams County | 101,407 | 8 | 100 |
Perry County | 45,969 | 9 | 100 |
Mifflin County | 46,682 | 6 | 93 |
Berks County | 411,442 | 1 | 6 |
Juniata County | 24,636 | 6 | 99 |
Fulton County | 14,845 | 5 | 71 |
Snyder County | 39,702 | 1 | 16 |
City | Population | % of 223 | % of City |
Lancaster | 59,322 | 100 | |
Harrisburg | 49,528 | 100 | |
York | 43,718 | 100 | |
Lebanon | 25,477 | 100 | |
Chambersburg | 20,268 | 100 | |
Carlisle | 18,682 | 100 | |
Hanover | 15,289 | 100 | |
Hershey | 14,257 | 100 | |
Ephrata | 13,394 | 100 | |
Colonial Park | 13,229 | 100 | |
Elizabethtown | 11,545 | 100 | |
Shiloh | 11,218 | 100 | |
Waynesboro | 10,568 | 100 | |
Columbia | 10,400 | 100 | |
Progress | 9,765 | 100 | |
Lititz | 9,369 | 100 | |
Mechanicsburg | 8,981 | 100 | |
Middletown | 8,901 | 100 | |
East York | 8,777 | 100 | |
Lewistown | 8,338 | 100 | |
Millersville | 8,168 | 100 | |
Camp Hill | 7,888 | 100 | |
Gettysburg | 7,620 | 100 | |
Willow Street | 7,578 | 100 | |
Mount Joy | 7,410 | 100 | |
Palmyra | 7,320 | 100 | |
New Cumberland | 7,277 | 100 | |
Leola | 7,214 | 100 | |
Parkville | 6,706 | 100 | |
Lower Allen | 6,694 | 100 | |
Red Lion | 6,373 | 100 | |
Linglestown | 6,334 | 100 | |
Enola | 6,111 | 100 | |
Steelton | 5,990 | 100 | |
Shippensburg | 5,492 | 100 | |
Paxtonia | 5,412 | 100 | |
New Holland | 5,378 | 100 | |
Spry | 4,891 | 100 | |
Manheim | 4,858 | 100 | |
Annville | 4,767 | 100 | |
West York | 4,617 | 100 | |
Lemoyne | 4,553 | 100 | |
Hummelstown | 4,538 | 100 | |
East Petersburg | 4,506 | 100 | |
New Freedom | 4,464 | 100 | |
Littlestown | 4,434 | 100 | |
Rutherford | 4,303 | 100 | |
Cornwall | 4,112 | 100 |