743 code area is located in Eastern timezone. This timezone also known as America/New_York. Current time in 743 is 1:04pm.
Area code 743 is in service since Aug 22, 1970. Code was created from area code 336.
County | Population | % of 743 | % of County |
Guilford County | 488,406 | 9 | 100 |
Forsyth County | 350,670 | 6 | 100 |
Davidson County | 162,878 | 8 | 100 |
Randolph County | 141,752 | 11 | 100 |
Alamance County | 151,131 | 5 | 93 |
Rockingham County | 93,643 | 8 | 100 |
Surry County | 73,673 | 7 | 100 |
Wilkes County | 69,340 | 10 | 100 |
Stokes County | 47,401 | 6 | 100 |
Davie County | 41,240 | 4 | 100 |
Person County | 39,464 | 5 | 100 |
Yadkin County | 38,406 | 5 | 100 |
Ashe County | 27,281 | 6 | 100 |
Caswell County | 23,719 | 6 | 100 |
Alleghany County | 11,155 | 3 | 100 |
Montgomery County | 27,798 | 1 | 16 |
City | Population | % of 743 | % of City |
Greensboro | 269,666 | 2 | 100 |
Winston Salem | 229,617 | 2 | 100 |
High Point | 104,371 | 1 | 100 |
Burlington | 49,963 | 100 | |
Thomasville | 26,757 | 100 | |
Asheboro | 25,012 | 100 | |
Kernersville | 23,123 | 100 | |
Lexington | 18,931 | 100 | |
Clemmons | 18,627 | 100 | |
Eden | 15,527 | 100 | |
Reidsville | 14,520 | 100 | |
Graham | 14,153 | 100 | |
Lewisville | 12,639 | 100 | |
Archdale | 11,415 | 100 | |
Mount Airy | 10,388 | 100 | |
Summerfield | 10,232 | 100 | |
Elon | 9,419 | 100 | |
Roxboro | 8,362 | 100 | |
King | 6,904 | 100 | |
Trinity | 6,614 | 100 | |
Gibsonville | 6,410 | 100 | |
Oak Ridge | 6,185 | 100 | |
Mocksville | 5,051 | 100 | |
Stokesdale | 5,047 | 100 | |
Midway | 4,679 | 100 | |
Walkertown | 4,675 | 100 | |
Pleasant Garden | 4,489 | 100 | |
North Wilkesboro | 4,245 | 100 | |
Welcome | 4,162 | 100 | |
Randleman | 4,113 | 100 | |
Elkin | 4,001 | 100 | |
Forest Oaks | 3,890 | 100 | |
Tyro | 3,879 | 100 | |
Wilkesboro | 3,413 | 100 | |
Jamestown | 3,382 | 100 | |
Wallburg | 3,047 | 100 | |
Yadkinville | 2,959 | 100 | |
Rural Hall | 2,937 | 100 | |
Wentworth | 2,807 | 100 | |
Glen Raven | 2,750 | 100 | |
Liberty | 2,656 | 100 | |
Mayodan | 2,478 | 100 | |
Tobaccoville | 2,441 | 100 | |
Mulberry | 2,332 | 100 | |
Haw River | 2,298 | 100 | |
Jonesville | 2,285 | 100 | |
Madison | 2,246 | 100 | |
Fairplains | 2,120 | 100 | |
Millers Creek | 2,112 | 100 | |
Green Level | 2,100 | 100 |