959 code area is located in Eastern timezone. This timezone also known as America/New_York. Current time in 959 is 10:37pm.
Area code 959 is in service since Aug 21, 1970. Code was created from area code 860.
County | Population | % of 959 | % of County |
Hartford County | 894,014 | 20 | 100 |
New London County | 274,055 | 20 | 96 |
Litchfield County | 189,927 | 24 | 94 |
Tolland County | 152,691 | 11 | 100 |
Middlesex County | 165,676 | 11 | 91 |
Windham County | 118,428 | 14 | 100 |
City | Population | % of 959 | % of City |
Hartford | 124,775 | 100 | |
New Britain | 73,206 | 100 | |
West Hartford | 63,268 | 1 | 100 |
Bristol | 60,477 | 1 | 100 |
East Hartford | 51,252 | 1 | 100 |
Middletown | 47,648 | 1 | 100 |
Norwich | 40,493 | 1 | 100 |
Torrington | 36,383 | 1 | 100 |
Manchester | 30,577 | 100 | |
Newington | 30,562 | 100 | |
New London | 27,620 | 100 | |
Wethersfield | 26,668 | 100 | |
Willimantic | 17,737 | 100 | |
Storrs | 15,344 | 100 | |
Windsor Locks | 12,498 | 100 | |
Groton | 10,389 | 100 | |
Oakville | 9,047 | 100 | |
Thompsonville | 8,577 | 100 | |
Kensington | 8,459 | 100 | |
Winsted | 7,712 | 100 | |
Rockville | 7,474 | 100 | |
Putnam | 7,214 | 100 | |
New Milford | 6,523 | 100 | |
Portland | 5,862 | 100 | |
Pawcatuck | 5,624 | 100 | |
Terryville | 5,387 | 100 | |
Stafford Springs | 4,988 | 100 | |
Colchester | 4,781 | 100 | |
Hazardville | 4,599 | 100 | |
Mystic | 4,205 | 100 | |
Broad Brook | 4,069 | 100 | |
Danielson | 4,051 | 100 | |
Collinsville | 3,746 | 100 | |
Watertown | 3,574 | 100 | |
Old Mystic | 3,554 | 100 | |
Jewett City | 3,487 | 100 | |
Clinton | 3,368 | 100 | |
Harwinton | 3,252 | 100 | |
Moosup | 3,231 | 100 | |
Niantic | 3,114 | 100 | |
Durham | 2,933 | 100 |